These colors remind me of Molly Ringwald in the 80's she wore so much pink and grey! I think she grew up in Sacramento and I played with her in her apartment by McKinley park upstairs. Just a funny memory!
Peek! |
Music makes me happy especially upbeat positive music. When I was a child we would listen to lots of music. I love to sing! As I was making this art piece for SOC I was singing this song "I wanna live" by John Denver my Mom's favorite music when I was little. I wrote it on her dress. I added my own to words as well, I guess live tuned into life and I added other words like I wanna be enlightened, to it as well.
I used a doily and a stencil of peacock feathers to make pink prints over the background grey gelli print on black paper. This woman is a stencil I drew after seeing some great women stencils from stencil girl. I want to get them but I couldn't wait so I made my own drawing and cut it out. I drew flowers and swirly hair. I also added some tape to the sides.
I made a second woman with my gelli print background a Super star!
I just love the background gelli print in this one. I drew the heart with wings into the silver paint on the gelli plate and printed on black paper. I painted the pink highlights.
I used the stencil in this one as well but changed her arms and legs a little.
My last one was a very textured gelli print to begin with. I drew the stencil in backwards and painted in her pink hair and peacock stenciled in her dress. I added a stool and the words step up! She looks like she's standing for something maybe equality, strength or compassion.
I had a lot of fun with these! I just happened to make the gelli prints with my mixed media group last week and this week I finished them with my mixed media group as well. I enjoy getting together to make art with others, it's so inspiring! The creative energy fills the room.
Happy Creating!
Thanks for all your comments :) I love reading them all!