It was my Birthday so I went on a mission! Last year I heard of this woman who gave Acts of Kindness away for her Birthday. What a great idea so I tried it out. I gathered up my jewelry pieces, some candy and made lunches in red sacks. I found this great tag for the bags that said,"You are the recipient of a RAOK (random act of kindness) "Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."- Mother Teresa"
I posted on FB my mission and asked everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday to give as well. Most agreed they would. Oh yeah, spreading the Kindness!
Before I could give these things away I had to give to my most wonderful Mom who gave birth to me. Without her I would not even be alive to have a Birthday. I baked her peanut butter cookies and we went to a mixed media meetup group to visit and make art together. I also gave away some of my jewelry to my fellow artists there, they loved it! We had fun!
A friend of mine wanted me to check on something for her at our Buddhist center. This was great because I let Ruby see the Buddha's and we both got a little blessing. While there I ended up running into an Artist friend of mine and giving him a bag of candy. He was happy to see Ruby for the first time.
I took three bags with me into The Co-Op, gave two to the women in the herbal section who are so kind to me. They said it would help them get through the day. I gave one bag to the best cashier ever. She also makes great clothes and bags. She said oh there's all kinds of goodies in here with a big smile. I talked to a woman who told me all of her children's names and stories of their births and a family with five children, while waiting patiently for my lunch to be made. I left a bag on the car who parked way too close. Usually I would have got upset that I had to put Ruby in from the other side but I wished them love and went on my way.
I left a cute note for my husband in the snack shelf. Chocolate eyes! I left a bag for his Mom who's visiting us at the moment. I left a bag in my daughters room as well.
I went to another store and gave two bags to the cashier and bagger. They were so happy to get a gift and thought it was a great way to spend the day. I left a box of red liquorish on the Redbox box with a note saying, "Take this and enjoy your movie." I gave my daughters dance teachers each a bag. One had her bracelet on immediately with a big smile. I gave two to the Mom's of the dance girls. They said I never get presents and were so happy. It does make you feel happy to give Acts of Kindness. All day I tried to be patient and let others go first, I helped others as much as possible. I was a bit upset with myself for not being able to help this bind woman cross the street because I was in the car with the sleeping baby and it would have taken me too long to get to her, but I did the best I could. Overall it was a great way to spend my Birthday. I came home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my husband. I ate some ice cream, watched a movie and my favorite show New Girl ( it was her Birthday episode how cool!) and went to bed.
Keep on spreading Kindness everywhere you go!
This is a blog circle with my lovely Flying Sisters...
Ginger Deverell -
Laly Mille -
Sandy King -
Naz Laila -
Kristen Fairgrieve -
Lulu Bea (Alaina McGinley) -
Karrlin Bain -
Kathie Gadd -
Chandra Merod- You Are Here!
Lisa Ullrich -
And this will be featured on Kelly Rae Roberts blog for The Kindness Mission